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Bolivia APCERL

Bolivia APCERL

The seven coffee-producing communities of APCERL are located within a subtropical region of valleys that are part of Madidi National Park. The association has been Organic Certified since 2002, v

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Brazil Sucuri Farm

Brazil Sucuri Farm

Owned and managed by Danilo Barbosa, the farm sprawls across a landscape meticulously balancing productivity and environmental preservation. With 500 hectares allocated for production and over 700 hectares set aside as preserved areas, Sucuri Farm epitomises responsible land management.
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Ethiopia Kochere

Ethiopia Kochere

Kore is the village, or kebele, where this coffee is grown and processed, in the Kochere "district" or woreda within Yirgacheffe. Kore is about 25 kilometres from the center of Yirgacheffe Town. The soils in this region are red-brown clay soil, about 1.5 meters deep.
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El Salvador Finca El Poso

El Salvador Finca El Poso

Isaac Luna owns several small farms, where he grows different varieties, including Pacamara, Pacas, and Bourbon. Isaac has been growing coffee since the early 2010s, though he has Bourbon trees on his land that are upward of 45 years old. He sees coffee as an adventure and an opportunity.
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Mexico El Búho

Mexico El Búho

Mexico El Búho is grown in Los Altos, the northeast highlands of Chiapas. Los Altos is a two-hour drive from the capital city of San Cristobal de las Casas, which is celebrated for its culture, cuisine and magical ambiance. The land here is spotted by preserved primary forests, bordering the Lacoandona jungle. It's a lush and fertile area where many Mayan ancestors settled.
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Guatemala Finca Terrazas

Guatemala Finca Terrazas

This coffee was grown at Finca Terrazas, the third and newest farm managed by the Molina family. For natural processed coffees they will meticulously select the ripest cherries and dry for 17-21 days on raised beds.
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Colombia El Oasis

Colombia El Oasis

Doña Luzmila Gonzáles is a dedicated first-generation coffee farmer and has been producing coffee since 2008 with the support of her husband Eider and their 4 children. Luzmila owns two farms in Gaitania, Tolima.
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Ethiopia Danse Mormora

Ethiopia Danse Mormora

Danse Mormora is located about 5 kilometres from the town of Haro Lebetu, and the farmers grow co...
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Ecuador APECAP Fair Trade Organic

Ecuador APECAP Fair Trade Organic

This offering is comprised of lots from multiple contributing producers that are members of APECA...
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Guatemala Finca Alejandrina

Guatemala Finca Alejandrina

Guadalupe Bautista is a smallholder producer in Huehuetenango, Guatemala, a region where the majo...
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Coffee farmer at Costa Rica Finca San Calletano

Costa Rica Finca San Calletano

Alto San Juan Micromill is owned by an intrepid young producer named Diego Abarca, who took a plo...
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Coffee farm in Mexico Vista Hermosa

Mexico Vista Hermosa

Mario Santiz López was born in Chiapas, in the San José Buena Vista community. From a very young ...
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Coffee farm Costa Rica Finca La Estrella

Colombia Finca La Estrella

Neftaly Fajardo Salazar has a farm in Inzá, Cauca, where his farm Finca La Estrella sits on about...
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Organic Ethiopia coffee from Shakiso mill being sorted

Ethiopia Guji Shakiso

The Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm is 500 hectares with about 300 hectares planted in coffee and has ...
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Costa Rica coffee farm Finca Llano Bonito with the owner

Costa Rica Finca Llano Bonito

Finca Llano Bonito is owned by Jhonnathan Camacho, a descendant of one of the first coffee grower...
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Coffee from Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Idido fermenting in sacks

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Idido

This Ethiopian Coffee is produced in the region of Gedio, on a 150 hectare farm. It is grown betw...
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Panama Candela Estate

Panama Candela Estate

Candela Estate is located in Santa Clara in the Renacimiento region, near La Amistrad Internation...
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Guatemala Finca Los Caballitos

Guatemala Finca Los Caballitos

In 2007, brothers Oscar and Christian Schaps set their eyes on purchasing a farm to produce excep...
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Brazil Fazenda Sao Judas Tadeu

Brazil Fazenda Sao Judas Tadeu

The farm is owned by Antônio Rigno and his wife Terezinha, who have been farming coffee in the re...
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Ecuador Finca Del Pisque

Ecuador Finca Del Pisque

Finca Terrazas del Pisque is a 38-hectare farm of which 15 hectares is planted in coffee, the oth...
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Colombia El Indio

Colombia El Indio

This coffee is from the ASOPEP association, composed of more than 170 coffee growing families in ...
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Nicaragua Finca Las Hortencias

Nicaragua Finca Las Hortencias

Cafetos de Segovia micromill is a labor of love from the Albir family, now in the second generation with sisters Ana and Martha Albir. 
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Ethiopia Guji Layo Taraga

Ethiopia Guji Layo Taraga

Layo Taraga Washing Station was founded in the year 2000, and serves 500 smallholder farms.
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Brazil Sao Silvestre Kombucha Fermented

Brazil Sao Silvestre Kombucha Fermented

The Andrade family history began in 1901, with their ancestors at Capim Branco Farm, in Carmo do ...
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Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Gersi

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Gersi

The Testi Adorsi washing station is located in Yirgacheffe and was built in 2000. It serves aroun...
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Mexico Pompilio Garcia Luna

Mexico Pompilio Garcia Luna

The Garcia Luna family, along with extended family members, deliver impeccably clean parchment. E...
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Rwanda Kabirizi

Rwanda Kabirizi

COOPAC is a Fair Trade–certified cooperative located near Lake Kivu on the steep slopes of volcan...
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El Salvador Finca Los Posos

El Salvador Finca Los Posos

Ignacio Gutierrez has a long history in farming, before he started planting coffee in 2000, he wo...
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Colombia La Flecha Honey

Colombia La Flecha Honey

This coffee was produced by indigenous growers from Aponte, Narino who are members of La Cooperat...
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Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Worka

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Worka

The Worka Cooperative in Worka operates the Halo Fafate Washing Station in Yirgacheffe, which ser...
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Brazil Fazenda Rio Pardo

Brazil Fazenda Rio Pardo

Rio Pardo farm is owned by Caio Junqueira, a sixth-generation producer who has been focused on sp...
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Guatemala Finca El Chalum

Guatemala Finca El Chalum

Francisco Lorenzo Pablo is a member of the smallholder's association called ASPROCDEGUA, and he o...
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Costa Rica Finca Las Hermanas

Costa Rica Finca Las Hermanas

Eduardo Navarro Jiminez and his brother Juan Carlos Navarro Ceciliano share a 100-year family his...
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El Salvador Finca Las Quebradas

El Salvador Finca Las Quebradas

Rosendo Recinos Flores has a 1.5-hectare farm located in Chalatenango. He hand-picks ripe cherry ...
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Brazil Fazenda Sertão

Brazil Fazenda Sertão

Fazenda Sertão is an 850-hectare farm with 330 hectares planted in coffee of several varieties, i...
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Ethiopia Tega & Tula Estate

Ethiopia Tega & Tula Estate

Owner Ahadu Woubhset was a founding member of the executive team at the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange, he left the ECX and decided to invest in a farm himself in order to produce entirely specialty coffee. He found the perfect spot in the famous Kaffa Zone, which is considered the absolute birthplace of Arabica coffee, and decided to start up an operation that aimed to preserve the natural beauty of the area, support the local community, and of course produce fantastic coffees.
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