Ethiopia Arsosala Single Farmer Project
Mr Ocholo Bedecho owns 8 hectares of coffee land in Oromia Regional State Guji Zone, Urga distric...
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Ethiopia Halo Beriti Single Farmer Project
This single producer lot comes from Mr. Bekele Gemeda in the Worka village in Yirgacheffe. Mr Bek...
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Ethiopia Kochere
Kore is the village, or kebele, where this coffee is grown and processed, in the Kochere "district" or woreda within Yirgacheffe. Kore is about 25 kilometres from the center of Yirgacheffe Town. The soils in this region are red-brown clay soil, about 1.5 meters deep.
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Ethiopia Danse Mormora
Danse Mormora is located about 5 kilometres from the town of Haro Lebetu, and the farmers grow co...
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