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Bolivia APCERL

Bolivia APCERL

Asociacion de Productores de Cafe Ecologico Regional Larecaja (APCERL) was founded on July 30, 2001, by 120 coffee producers.
The seven coffee-producing communities of APCERL are located within a subtropical region of valleys that are part of Madidi National Park. The association has been Organic Certified since 2002, and since 2014, they have obtained the "Bird Friendly" distinction, awarded by the Smithsonian Institution. They believe that shade-grown coffee production is an effective tool for environmental conservation, and hope to establish business links with coffee buyers and roasters who appreciate and recognise the conservation efforts made by coffee producers within protected areas and national parks.
Coffee cultivation, under agroforestry systems, is a sustainable way to conserve the area’s fragile biodiversity and create connection corridors for wildlife. APCERL describes the association as valuable in terms of members’ experience and solvency in the management of coffee cultivation and, above all, the commitment they demonstrate in establishing environmentally sustainable production systems. For processing, coffees are harvested, pulped that day, and fermented for 12-18 hours before being washed and dried.


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