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Ethiopia Halo Beriti Single Farmer Project

Ethiopia Halo Beriti Single Farmer Project

This single producer lot comes from Mr. Bekele Gemeda in the Worka village in Yirgacheffe. Mr Bekele Gemeda owns 6.5 hectares of coffee farm in one place and another 3 hectares in another place within the same village. He works full time in his farm assisted by his children who completed their primary education but couldn’t find another job in town. Mr Bekele, who has 11 children, fully relies on the income he generates from his coffee farm. The business also supports his two elder married sons who work together with him. Mr Bekele Gemeda was incredibly grateful to see the care he has put into his coffee showed well enough in the cup to have his coffee kept separate, something that is rare in Ethiopia. The Single Farmer Project is the result of an effort to support Ethiopian producers with a marketplace for farm-traceable coffees. Samples are sent out to potential buyers, price is negotiated on the farmers' behalf, and contracts are only accepted when the producer agrees on a sales price and their name is on the contract for each coffee they sell.


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